Free Ebooks

free_buttonBelow are Free Ebooks in different genres you may want to explore. Some are by our Contributors. Some are favorite picks by our Contributors. They are organized according to genre. If you read and like any of these free ebooks, please consider giving the author a favorable review.

Updated 5/10/14 with ten free ebooks!


Darlings of Darkness – Free at Amazonvanthology

A star-studded anthology of thrilling, action-packed and totally swoon-worthy first books from ten different vampire series by your favorite women authors including Ally Thomas, Chrissy Peebles, Kristen Middleton, Suzy Turner, S.J. Wright, Trina M. Lee, W.J. May, Dale Mayer, K.C. Blake, and Claire Farrell. (Cover Design by Cora Graphics)

Cover art by Damon Za at

Cover art by Damon Za at

Zombie Wolf: The Next Generation (Excerpt) in Darlings of Decay – Free at Amazon | Smashwords

Ally Thomas shares a short story from her upcoming paranormal fantasy book called Zombie Wolf: The Next Generation #1. You can read it for FREE in the zombie anthology, Darlings of Decay.

At twenty-four Zachary has been through many zombie outbreaks and knows how to stay alive. He’s been so good at killing zombies for so many years that he makes a living at it. He claims it’s the reason he has the nickname the ‘Zombie Wolf,’ even though he knows that’s not the case.

With time and space travel being as common as the Internet and cell phones, Zachary and his team travel often to kill zombies and rid the solar system of total infestation. Now in the year 3015 A.D., more sightings of zombies are being reported on Planet Earth, but no one knows how to kill these snake-like creatures. Zachary’s destiny unfolds when he comes face to face with the next generation of zombie and an innocent bystander gets bitten. He considers killing the attractive girl because she’s as good as dead anyways. But when he sees she has a werewolf mark, same as what he has, he knows he must save her.

Young Adult Romance

FinalLHell_P1_EM_JournalsLove Begins in Hell (The Moon Journals: Part 1) by Ally Thomas – Free at Amazon Smashwords

For some, love begins when you least expect it. For Elana, falling in love begins in Hell. When twenty-one-year-old Elana is kidnapped and finds herself in Hell of all places, she discovers something unique in her ancestry. She’s a werewolf and she’s fallen in love with someone unexpectedly Dante, the young demon who agrees to help her escape.

(Cover Design by Ally Thomas)

Paranormal Romance

LaraNightDrake (post-apocalyptic short story) by Lara Adrian – Free at Amazon
Tough female mercenary Nisha the Heartless is hired to transport mysterious cargo arrived from exotic New Asia to a well-paying client. But things are never what they seem in a dark world now populated by humans and the Strange: shapeshifters and telepaths, nymphs and hobgoblins.

It is a lesson Nisha learns all too soon–one that puts her on a journey with a dangerously sexy, enigmatic man who will force her to confront the nightmares of her past, and risk her heart for a future she never dreamed could be hers….

Free at Amazon

LadyMist2_sample_sw2013The Lady in the Mist (A Werewolf Tale) -Sample by Catherine Wolffe – Free at Amazon Barnes & Noble | Kobo

The Civil War took Sonja Brooks’ husband and left her alone. Unprotected and scared, she runs headlong into a life changing event when she’s attacked by a pack of wolves. Her fate as a werewolf is sealed. When she stumbles upon Ty Loflin, a Rebel solider dying of his wounds, she nurses him back to health. He’s the perfect mate, but will he want her once he knows the truth?

In this sample at 7,000 words, Catherine Wolffe weaves a new blend of western romance with paranormal elements involving werewolves and vampires. (Cover Design by Ally Thomas)

Waking Up Dead (The Western Werewolf Legend Book #2) by Catherine Wolffe – Free at Amazon | Smashwords
The truth, Sonja Brooks understands is relevant. She’s a werewolf with a special ‘gift’ and faces danger at every turn. Now, the bloodsuckers stalk her family and the man she loves.

He vowed to protect his men despite the cost. Tyler Loflin must save them and Sonja from the threat of Yankee vampires. Seeking help from one of them will test his faith in the human he once knew and his own strength as a newly born werewolf.

Escaping to a better place, Ty and Sonja set out for Texas, but will the freedom and safety they seek elude them?

Paranormal Fantasy

Medium_Part1The Vampire from Hell (Part 1) – The Beginning by Ally Thomas – Free at Amazon iTunes | Barnes & Noble

Rayea isn’t daddy’s little girl, even if he is the most powerful fallen angel around. He wants her to take an active role in the family business. But she’s not interested in his schemes for world domination. Instead she wants to spend her time shopping on the Internet, rescuing humans from a horrific eternity, and practicing martial arts with her seven foot hellhound. Then one day everything changes.

Please note that this sample (as of May 2013) includes both Part 1 and Part 2 – A Vampire Among Angels. (Cover Design by Cora Graphics)

Amazon iTunes | Barnes & Noble

Erotic Paranormal Romance

Pleasures Under the Moon (Werewolf Erotica #1) by Tori Simms – Free at Smashwords 1Pleasure_MoonTS

Zoey loses her virginity to a shifter she never knew existed, an immortal werewolf who kidnaps virgins, but she’s not afraid at all. When she realizes how great he is as a lover, she wants to be like him and she’ll do whatever it takes because Zoey knows he is unique and better than his sinister brothers.

Conquest (My Vampire Lover Part #1)Conquest: My Vampire Lover Part #1 by Victoria Embers – Free at Amazon Barnes & Noble

Caroline, a werewolf and princess of the Golden realm, has discovered a new love in her vampire captor. She’s willing to risk everything, even her life, to prove to him she loves him and has forsaken all others including her family and her pack.

This sample contains Conquest (My Vampire Lover Part #1) and Chapters 1 and 2 from Redemption (My Vampire Lover Part #2). (Cover Design by Ally Thomas)

Desire (Erotic Vampire Confessions #1) by Randi Fang – Free at Amazon Desire_1_EVC_alt2

Desire (Erotic Vampire Confessions #1) begins as Randi Fang explores this subject with her first vampire to interview, a fan of the fang whom Randi calls simply Rose. Rose has a chance encounter with an actor who plays a vampire and discovers he’s “into” being bitten.

An excerpt to the next short story, Tasted (Erotic Vampire Confessions #2) is included. (Cover Design by Ally Thomas)


Covet (V.E.T Vampire Romance Series Book 1) by Felicity Heaton – Free at Amazon

Javier knows better than to succumb to his hunger for Lilah. The mortal female belongs to a powerful aristocrat patron of Vampirerotique, the theater he runs with three other vampires. A single touch is all it would take to break the sacred law of his kind, sentencing himself to death, but his passion for her has become too fierce to ignore and he will risk everything to make Lilah his.

Lilah has fought her desire for Javier since arriving at his theater as a servant but each glance he has stolen, his eyes promising pleasure that will satisfy her longing for him, has chipped away at her defenses and she can no longer deny her need and her forbidden feelings for the powerful vampire male.

When they find themselves alone in a private box during one of the erotic performances, will they surrender to their passion and live out their wildest fantasies in a night of wicked pleasure or will the threat of Lilah’s master keep them apart forever?

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4 thoughts on “Free Ebooks

  1. Thank you SO much for the free books! I am so thrilled you had Ally Thomas’ book on there because I want to read it!!!!

  2. I would so love to win Catherine’s series, A Werewolf Tale, she has a way of bring them into reality you wouldn’t think possible….awesome author writing awesome books…..feeding the book addict…but I can only get paperback, I’m not able to receive ebooks…..;(

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